Cloudbric WMS (WAF Managed Service) is a managed service developed for Cloud Service Provider Web Application Firewalls (CSP WAF), such as AWS WAF.
While CSP WAFs are powerful security tools, as CSP WAFs typically require the users to configure the security rules themselves, it can be quite difficult to utilize the CSP WAFs to their full potential.
To address this issue, Penta Security has developed a managed service that optimizes the security rules and provides a dedicated console to monitor the security status for AWS WAF users. When Cloudbric WMS is adopted, the security experts of Penta Security initially analyze the user’s logs and optimize the rules for maximum efficiency fit to the unique environment of the user.
Once the initial security rule optimization process is completed, the user will be provided access to a dedicated console for monitoring and security rule configurations. Through Cloudbric WMS, the user can gain better insight and control of the security rules for their AWS WAF.
The security rules utilized by Cloudbric WMS is based on the security technologies and expertise of Penta Security’s own WAF, WAPPLES, which has protected the web services for enterprises since 2005 and has recently been validated by a third-party testing firm to have a top-tier detection rate. These security rules are also provided in AWS Marketplace in the form of managed rule groups, which are presets of security rules provided by Independent Software Vendors for AWS WAF.
Taejoon Jung, director of the Planning Division at Penta Security stated, “Cybersecurity is always a difficult subject and an area that requires a certain level of expertise. However, it is our vision to provide an easier solution for security. We expect Cloudbric WMS will boost their AWS WAF experiences simply by subscribing to the service.”
Cloudbric WMS for AWS WAF (PAYG) product is available for subscription in the AWS Marketplace. AWS Marketplace is a curated digital store where users can search, evaluate, purchase, distribute and manage solutions provided by AWS Partners.
Yoonkyung Ka
Penta Security Inc
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