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OpenExO Launches AI-Ready for SMEs to Harness the Power of AI


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AI-Ready Assessment

OpenExO Launches AI-Ready a Diagnostic Assessment and coaching for Small and Medium Enterprises to harness the power of AI.

Our unique, provider-agnostic approach ensures that each business receives the best solutions tailored to their specific challenges and opportunities.
— Salim Ismail
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, UNITED STATES, May 6, 2024 / -- OpenExO, the global leader in transforming businesses through exponential technologies, is launching AI-Ready, a new service designed specifically for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). AI-Ready empowers businesses to harness the power of artificial intelligence, ensuring growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage in the digital age.

How AI-Ready Works

AI-Ready offers a tailored diagnostic approach, helping businesses identify their unique needs and providing a strategic pathway to AI integration. This comprehensive approach includes:

AI Readiness Assessment: Evaluates the current capabilities and needs of the business, laying the groundwork for informed, AI-driven strategies.

Personalized Implementation Plan: Tailors the integration process to the unique challenges and opportunities of each business, ensuring an efficient and effective transition.

Continuous Strategic Coaching: Provides accountability, ongoing support, helping SMEs navigate their AI journey and maximize their potential. The role is staffed by OpenExO’s vast network of coaches.

This service is crucial for SMEs seeking to expand, enhance operational efficiency, and outcompete rivals through informed, AI-driven strategies.

Unique Provider-Agnostic Approach: "AI-Ready is not just about adapting to AI; it's about leading with it," said Salim Ismail, Co-Founder of OpenExO. "Our unique, provider-agnostic approach ensures that each business receives the best solutions tailored to their specific challenges and opportunities."

Proven Track Record: OpenExO's commitment to transforming business operations is evident through its successful track record across 130 countries and in 10 languages. This global experience enables OpenExO to cater to diverse businesses and tailor its AI-Ready service effectively.

Get Started: For more information on how to become AI-Ready, visit the website.

About OpenExO:
OpenExO is a global transformation ecosystem connecting leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals committed to leveraging exponential technologies and principles to transform organizations and create a better future. Through education, collaboration, and innovation, OpenExO aims to inspire and enable a new generation of exponential leaders.

Kent Langley
OpenExO, Inc.
+1 415-578-8627
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Ai-Ready Journey

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AI-Ready Assessment

Salim Ismail shares why AI-Ready is important

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