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Janet Savage of HandTales to be Featured on CUTV News Radio

MORRISVILLE, VERMONT, UNITED STATES, April 16, 2019 / -- The ancient art of Palmistry dates back to ancient Greece and Aristotle and was widely used throughout empires and nations. Today many of us battle with relationship problems, career and money woes, and creativity blocks. The keys to overcoming these struggles are in your hands and at your fingertips. Through an exceptionally gifted individual who has studied palmistry for 20 years we can find the answers we long for.

Janet Savage is a Certified Master Hand Analyst & Master Teacher trained by and now on the faculty of the International Institute of Hand Analysis. The system combines the best of the non-predictive traditions of ancient palmistry and the science of fingerprint analysis.

“There is a magnificent and unique narrative in your hands. I effortlessly uncover your authentic story and help you write the next chapter,” says Janet. “There are two distinct languages within this your story that must learn to communicate together and with you.

In short, I help you learn the language of your hands so that you can write your true story. Your hands contain both the language of your Soul found in your fingerprints AND the language of your Personality found in the rest of your hands. Once you hear what they are trying to communicate to you, you will understand that their job is to:

- Confirm and affirm the real you inside.

- Support you through pain and life’s inevitable stumbling blocks.

The result? Those stumbling blocks turn into stepping-stones on the path to the life you yearn for. If it’s in your hands it’s in you.”

Janet works with clients face to face and from all over the world. If you don’t live nearby, she sends you an ink print kit with instructions or shows you how to capture your fingerprints and to photograph your hands to then be scanned or mailed to her. All distance-based sessions are done via Zoom – easy to use and you’ll see each other and your handprints on the screen.

“Hand Analysis is not a predictive approach like a psychic reading,” says Janet. “This is about how to embrace who you are in the present (warts and all!) and to claim and live your Soul’s Purpose. If you can do this, then you’ll be prepared for anything the future throws your way – both trials and treasures. I help people reflect on what they want and whether they are willing to love themselves first and do what it takes to live their authentic life – their true story.”

Clients mainly inquire about health, careers, love and money challenges but Janet’s goal is to bring them to a higher perspective so they can examine their whole lives instead of just little pieces of the puzzle.

“We must realize we are more than just our challenges or issues,” says Janet. “It’s about our entire mind, body and soul. Clients who come to me need to be ready to face challenges and realize we are all unique and can make profound and heartfelt contributions to the world.”

Janet’s motto is “you cannot do it alone”. We all need support and encouragement to make it through to the life we came here to live.

“With my guidance I hope to inspire people to be fearless and daring,” says Janet. “All of us deserve to embrace the deep truth within us so we can step out feeling fabulously unique and offer our gifts to the world.”

CUTV News Radio will feature Janet Savage in an interview with Jim Masters on Wednesday April 17th at 1 p.m. EST.

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